Cigar aficionados in Pakistan often find themselves searching for information regarding Cigar Price In Pakistan. This guide aims to provide a detailed overview of the factors influencing cigar prices, where to find them, and what to expect in terms of cost.

Factors Affecting Cigar Price in Pakistan

Several factors contribute to the overall cost of cigars in Pakistan. These include import duties and taxes, which can significantly impact the final price. The brand and origin of the cigar also play a crucial role. Cuban cigars, for example, are often priced higher due to their reputation and limited availability. The size and type of cigar also influence the cost, with larger, more complex cigars generally commanding a higher price. Storage and aging conditions are also crucial. Cigars require specific humidity and temperature controls, which add to the overall cost for retailers.

Understanding Import Duties and Taxes

Pakistan imposes import duties and taxes on luxury goods like cigars. These taxes can vary depending on the country of origin and the value of the cigars. This makes it essential to factor in these additional costs when budgeting for cigars. You can find more information about Milano cigarettes price in Pakistan for comparison.

Where to Buy Cigars in Pakistan

Cigars can be purchased from specialized tobacco shops, high-end hotels, and duty-free shops at international airports. Some online retailers also offer cigars, but it’s crucial to ensure they are reputable and comply with all regulations. Buying from authorized retailers guarantees authenticity and proper storage conditions.

Navigating the Online Cigar Market

While online options exist, it’s important to exercise caution. Counterfeit cigars are a concern, so research the seller thoroughly. Check reviews and ensure they have a secure payment gateway. If you’re interested in vaping alternatives, you can check out the electronic cigarette price in Pakistan.

Price Ranges of Cigars in Pakistan

Cigar prices in Pakistan can range from a few hundred rupees for more affordable options to several thousand rupees for premium brands. Cuban cigars, due to their high demand and limited availability, are typically at the higher end of the price spectrum.

Exploring Affordable Cigar Options

While premium cigars come with a higher price tag, there are more budget-friendly options available for those looking to explore the world of cigars. Dominican and Nicaraguan cigars, for example, often offer excellent quality at a more accessible price point. You might also be interested in cigarette lighter price in pakistan for your smoking accessories.


Understanding cigar price in Pakistan requires considering various factors, from import duties to brand reputation. By researching and choosing wisely, cigar enthusiasts can find the perfect balance between quality and cost. For those interested in electronic alternatives, you can explore the e cigarette price in Pakistan and v6 vape price in pakistan.


  1. Are Cuban cigars readily available in Pakistan?
  2. What are the legal implications of importing cigars into Pakistan?
  3. How should cigars be stored in Pakistan’s climate?
  4. Are there any cigar clubs or communities in Pakistan?
  5. What are some recommended cigar accessories available in Pakistan?
  6. How can I identify a counterfeit cigar?
  7. Where can I find reviews of cigars sold in Pakistan?

Cigar Price Scenarios

  • Scenario 1: A casual smoker looking for a weekend treat might opt for a more affordable cigar, costing around PKR 500-1000.
  • Scenario 2: A seasoned aficionado celebrating a special occasion might choose a premium cigar priced between PKR 2000-5000.
  • Scenario 3: A beginner exploring different flavors might purchase a sampler pack with various cigars at different price points.

Further Questions and Resources

For additional information on tobacco products, you can explore articles on milano cigarettes price in pakistan.

Contact Us

For further assistance, please contact us at Phone: +923337849799, Email: [email protected] or visit our office at Dera Ghazi Khan Rd, Rakhni, Barkhan, Balochistan, Pakistan. We have a 24/7 customer support team.

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